Digital Experience Partner for leading companies Progress and success with simple solutions

From corporate websites and intranets for formative digital experiences to efficient end-to-end platforms for business processes and cutting-edge solutions with AI as well as data analytics - our holistic portfolio helps companies to achieve a pioneering role in their industry.

Ein Team bespricht sich.
init gewinnt Etat des NABU für Website Relaunch
Eine Mitarbeiterin erstellt ein Webdesign.
Ein Mitarbeiter arbeitet am PC-Arbeitsplatz.
Zwei Mitarbeiterinnen arbeiten an einem Wireframe-Board.

Successful companies are constantly rethinking their business models with the opportunities offered by digital technologies. We are their companion with more than 25 years of expertise in industry, automotive, finance and consumer electronics sectors. Long-standing customer relationships, a third place in the Internet Agency Ranking 2024 and top positions in Lünendonk rankings prove that we are one of the most effective digital specialists for B2B companies.

Our mission: to create a competitive edge with simple digital solutions while keeping an eye on the requirements of today's and tomorrow's users. Our approach: A full-service portfolio offers all options for successful digital projects from a single source - from consulting and design to development and operation. This is how we shape the eSociety together with you: a society in which digitalisation benefits everyone.

  • Locations in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Mainz, Cologne and Munich (+ Subsidiaries in Berne and Porto)


  • Digital-Experts


  • B2B clients since 2020


  • Projects since 2020

    More than 100

Digitalisation catering to the people's needs

Digital offerings are successful when they are immediately understood by their target group and provide them with real benefits. That's why our UX teams take the time to design solutions and understand the needs of users - even those that are not explicitly expressed.

This is how we develop simple solutions that surprise with novel concepts, deliver exciting experiences and help to sustainably increase customer loyalty.

Excellent projects for sector leaders

Company building of LGT Private Banking

LGT Private Banking: Website relaunch

How do you combine the traditional values of a private bank that is over 100 years old with the demanding expectations of clients for a modern website? This was the task we set ourselves in the relaunch project for LGT Private Banking.

Project LGT Private Banking
Logo of Continental AG against a yellow background.

Successful internal and external communication

Continental develops technologies worldwide that network mobility and thus make life smarter and safer. To showcase this successful work in corporate communications, we restaged the digital brand with a new corporate website and corporate intranet.

Insights into our projects for Continental
A Deutz AG employee repairs an industrial engine in a production hall.

Digital service in full swing

Repairs to the engine in less time and easier preparation for the workshops - with the Connect app, DEUTZ AG found a successful entry into the digital service world. We received the Red Dot Design Award for excellent communication design.

Information about the Connect App for DEUTZ
An architect completes a mockup of a building.

From traditional specialist publisher to digital pioneer

With a tailor-made shop platform, Beuth Verlag revolutionizes the distribution of DIN standards with us.

Details of the e-commerce project for Beuth Verlag
Logo of BSH Home Appliances in front of an orange-red colored background.

Digital corporate culture for employees

The more than 62,000 employees of BSH Hausgeräte now have a digital platform for internal communication that they can help shape and that meets the requirements of a modern working environment. Together with BSH Corporate Communication, we received the Inkometa Award 2022.

Insights into the project for BSH Hausgeräte
A laptop with a data dashboard with various graphs and performance indicators from the stock market environment. A person's hand is typing on the keyboard.

Reaching the top with intelligent technology

A strong digital brand needs recognition value, should be contemporary and radiate consistency. We supported one of the world's largest futures exchanges, Eurex Frankfurt AG, in repositioning its online presence with state-of-the-art technologies and skillful UX design.

Read more about the Digital Facelift for Eurex Frankfurt

Holistic portfolio with emphasis on the Big Picture

A strong concept needs an equally strong implementation - that's why we work with a future-proof technology setup that combines decades of experience and a broad partner network with leading providers and technologies such as CoreMedia, PEGA, TYPO3 and IONOS. Our expertise and know-how from all disciplines of digitalisation enables us to implement projects quickly and react flexibly to changing requirements and new trends.

Even in the end-to-end digitalisation of complex business processes, we achieve a perfect balance between reliable planning and operational flexibility and create the digital foundation for the continued growth of companies. We are always looking to the future, for example in the field of AI: our proprietary AI development framework enables flexible solutions for AI chatbots, digital service assistants and AI-supported process handling.

Discover the full range of our services:

Prolific success for excellent work

  • Internet agency ranking

    1st place sub-ranking ‘Digital transformation and strategy’. 2nd place sub-ranking ‘Platforms’. 3rd place overall ranking.

  • Lünendonk study Digital Experience Services

    15th place in the overall ranking. 4th place in the sub-ranking of digital agencies that generate at least 75 per cent of their revenue with digital experience services.

  • German Brand Award

    We were honoured twice as winners for outstanding digital brand success with our projects for BSH Hausgeräte and LGT Private Banking.

  • Best Managed Companies Award 2024

    Recognised as an outstandingly managed company in the disciplines of strategy, productivity and innovation, culture and commitment as well as finance and governance.

  • Red Dot Design Award

    The design and creative achievement for the DEUTZ AG Connect app is honoured in the ‘Mobile App’ category.

  • Inkometa Award

    We win the award for digital impulses in internal communication with BSH Hausgeräte in the Social Intranet & Collaboration Intranet category.

A great foundation for cooperation

As a specialist for large-scale digitalisation projects in the public sector, data protection and security are deeply rooted in our DNA. An Information Security Office and the IT baseline protection certification of our data centre implement the highest requirements for sensitive data.

Our internal quality management system is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015 and implements all quality requirements in the areas of ‘methods and processes’, ‘qualifications and organisation’ and ‘tools and technologies’. We also fulfil the legal requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act on human rights and environmental due diligence.

With certification in accordance with the internationally recognised environmental management system ‘Eco-Management and Audit Scheme’ (EMAS) , we have anchored sustainability as a strategic issue and are committed to sustainable digitalisation. We are also committed to respecting human rights and the environment and to taking responsibility for our supply and value chain. 

Want to know more? Let's talk about how we can advance your company digitally!

André Fialho, Senior Sales Manager at ]init[ AG

André Fialho

Director Business Development

+49 30 97006 380

Other areas in which we are making a difference

A young woman sketches the wireframe of a website on a whiteboard.

User Experience: Shaping digitalization together with users

We stand for interdisciplinary teams and an open mindset. We therefore shape the digital transformation of our clients in agile teams together with our users.

Insights into the field of experience design
At a desk, a developer works on the code of a CMS platform.

Creating digital experiences with strong CMS technologies

We meet the digital challenges of our clients with sophisticated solutions that simply work. We implement platforms and portals with future-proof and adaptable content management systems (CMS).

We are absolute specialists in these CMS technologies
A camera with preview display films a panel discussion.

Moving image for all channels

Reppelling from a naval helicopter, with the German Meteorological Service on mountain peaks, behind the scenes of the digital poison. With our camera, we are close to the people who move our country.

Learn more about the services of our video unit