News What's moving us right now

  • Company building of LGT Private Banking

    LGT Private Banking: Website relaunch

    How do you combine the traditional values of a private bank that is over 100 years old with the demanding expectations of clients for a modern website? This was the task we set ourselves in the relaunch project for LGT Private Banking.

    Project LGT Private Banking
  • An African school class in the classroom. The teacher, standing in front of a blackboard, looks questioningly into the class. A student raises his hand.

    Editorial work in the feel-good package

    Worldwide content management for over 120 country offices, all from a single source. With a large team, we are responsible for this task so that the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH can carry out effective development cooperation.

    This is how we support the online communication of GIZ
  • A man sits at a desk and uses the tablet for research. In the background you can see a large window with a view of a city.

    Good design makes democracy

    In a democracy, vital information must be equally accessible to all. A very user-friendly digital research tool from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) for the federal budget fulfills exactly this requirement.

    Get to know the Federal Budget Digital tool
  • Two girls are sitting on a swing.

    Creating innovations with data

    Using data from an interactive pool, municipalities can identify challenges more quickly and improve local living conditions based on facts. For the 15th birthday of the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Wegweiser Kommune, we accompanied a major upgrade that won the German Design Award.

    Get to know the Bertelsmann Stiftung project
  • A young woman looks at her laptop. She is sitting in a light-filled room with a cup of coffee next to her on the desk.

    Networking actors and staging successes

    Behind the implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG) are many actors who need to exchange information and network. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) counts on our understanding of clear content so that the sometimes very complex information on digitalization projects is available to everyone.

    Mehr zur Redaktionsunterstützung für das Portal lesen
  • A Deutz AG employee repairs an industrial engine in a production hall.

    Digital service in full swing

    Repairs to the engine in less time and easier preparation for the workshops - with the Connect app, DEUTZ AG found a successful entry into the digital service world. We received the Red Dot Design Award for excellent communication design.

    Information about the Connect App for DEUTZ
  • An aviation expert wearing a high-visibility vest and helmet works on his laptop in a hangar. In the background, aircraft can be seen being assembled and maintained.

    A modern CMS to launch

    Innovative solutions need modern technology. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) was the first major government agency to implement Government Site Builder in its freshly released version 10. With the relaunch, we quickly implemented a portal that opens up a universe of possibilities for users.

    Details of the GSB-10 relaunch for DLR
  • Gianni Lepore and Roberto Santovito, Managing Directors of Ironforge Consulting AG.

    ]init[ takes over Ironforge Consulting in Switzerland

    We are expanding our international business in the public sector and supporting the Swiss consulting firm Ironforge to further develop its end-to-end digitalization portfolio.

    Details of the acquisition of the Swiss company
  • A woman and a man wearing protective vests and helmets examine construction plans in an assembly hall.

    Telling complex topics in stories

    The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) would like to present itself digitally as a modern authority — and above all tell about its sometimes complicated scientific and technical topics in an exciting way. Together,   we are mastering this challenge — even at the start of the pandemic.

    Learn more about our work for BAM
  • A laptop with a data dashboard with various graphs and performance indicators from the stock market environment. A person's hand is typing on the keyboard.

    Reaching the top with intelligent technology

    A strong digital brand needs recognition value, should be contemporary and radiate consistency. We supported one of the world's largest futures exchanges, Eurex Frankfurt AG, in repositioning its online presence with state-of-the-art technologies and skillful UX design.

    Read more about the Digital Facelift for Eurex Frankfurt
  • Logo Online access law against dark blue background

    Eagle's eye view of Germany's digitalization

    The German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) wants to make projects for the digitalization of public administration transparent. We help with a data-based tool that visualizes progress in a simple and helpful way.

    Learn more about the Dashboard Digitale Verwaltung
  • Logo of Continental AG against a yellow background.

    Successful internal and external communication

    Continental develops technologies worldwide that network mobility and thus make life smarter and safer. To showcase this successful work in corporate communications, we restaged the digital brand with a new corporate website and corporate intranet.

    Insights into our projects for Continental
  • A young mother with her child in front of a laptop. The boy navigates on the touchpad.

    Paper applications adé with OZG expertise

    Paperless administration is making its way into your home. Together with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), we developed an application that saves parents annoying paperwork and enables authorities to work more efficiently in the future: ElterngeldDigital.

    Learn how we digitized Elterngeld
  • Logo of BSH Home Appliances in front of an orange-red colored background.

    Digital corporate culture for employees

    The more than 62,000 employees of BSH Hausgeräte now have a digital platform for internal communication that they can help shape and that meets the requirements of a modern working environment. Together with BSH Corporate Communication, we received the Inkometa Award 2022.

    Insights into the project for BSH Hausgeräte
  • A young woman sketches the wireframe of a website on a whiteboard.

    User Experience: Shaping digitalization together with users

    We stand for interdisciplinary teams and an open mindset. We therefore shape the digital transformation of our clients in agile teams together with our users.

    Insights into the field of experience design
  • A camera with preview display films a panel discussion.

    Moving image for all channels

    Reppelling from a naval helicopter, with the German Meteorological Service on mountain peaks, behind the scenes of the digital poison. With our camera, we are close to the people who move our country.

    Learn more about the services of our video unit
  • At a desk, a developer works on the code of a CMS platform.

    Creating digital experiences with strong CMS technologies

    We meet the digital challenges of our clients with sophisticated solutions that simply work. We implement platforms and portals with future-proof and adaptable content management systems (CMS).

    We are absolute specialists in these CMS technologies
  • A young woman with a gray coat and a green winter scarf in a narrow street. She looks at her smartphone with a smile.

    Creating transparency with durable technology

    The more accessible information is, the more transparent our actions can be. That's why 14 consumer advice centers are bundling their digital activities to better inform citizens about current consumer protection issues. Durable CMS technology makes this efficient and easy.

    Learn more about the Drupal project
  • An architect completes a mockup of a building.

    From traditional specialist publisher to digital pioneer

    With a tailor-made shop platform, Beuth Verlag revolutionizes the distribution of DIN standards with us.

    Details of the e-commerce project for Beuth Verlag
  • An aviation expert wearing a high-visibility vest and helmet works on his laptop in a hangar. In the background, aircraft can be seen being assembled and maintained.

    A modern CMS to launch

    Innovative solutions need modern technology. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) was the first major government agency to implement Government Site Builder in its freshly released version 10. With the relaunch, we quickly implemented a portal that opens up a universe of possibilities for users.

    Details of the GSB-10 relaunch for DLR