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]init[ Aktiengesellschaft für digitale Kommunikation
Köpenicker Straße 9
10997 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 97006 0
Fax: +49 30 97006 135
Managing Board
Harald Felling (Chairman)
Julia Läkemäker
Sandra Valentin
Dr. Gregor Költzsch
Dr. Axel Kaufmann
Dr. Eckart Pech
Local Court Charlottenburg Commercial Register: HRB 73218
VAT identification number: DE 812816783
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Copyright for texts and images rests with ]init[ AG, unless stated otherwise. The background images, as well as several images from the ‘Updates’ and ‘Portfolio’ areas come from iStockphoto and Colourbox. Further third party use and publication of images is only allowed on the basis of provisional licensing rights from the copyright holder.
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Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and links contained on this website. However, no liability is accepted in connection with use of information, links or reliance on accuracy.
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